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Current खुल्ने
Digital Literacy Instructor
The ESLC is hiring a full time Digital Literacy Instructor to teach on-site at the Humanitarian Center. Position is salaried at $22-25/hr, dependent on experience.
English Language Instructor (full-time)
The ESLC is hiring a full time English Language Instructor to teach on-site at the Humanitarian Center. Position is salaried at $22-25/hr, dependent on experience.
Student Success Navigator (2 full-time positions)
The ESLC is hiring two full time Student Success Navigators to work on-site at the Humanitarian Center. Position is salaried at $22-25/hr, dependent on experience.
अंग्रेजी भाषा प्रशिक्षक (अंशकालिक)
ESLC ले वर्षभरि अंशकालिक शिक्षण पदहरूको लागि आवेदनहरू स्वीकार गर्दछ। पदहरू $18-20 प्रति घण्टा अनुभवमा निर्भर हुन्छ।
हालको उद्घाटनहरू तल फेला पार्न सकिन्छ।
उपलब्ध शिफ्टहरू
वयस्क आपतकालीन पाठक कार्यक्रम
मंगलबार बिहिबार,5:30 - 7:00 बजे
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